thank you everyone for spending the time to try and help. I have been up all night trying to sort this out as I have just finished a wedding post editing and I wanted it to be right. I have tried loads of different methods through the night. I have downloaded about 4 different viewers and they all show the images as too red, ive tried all the different camera profiles and they're the same in varying degrees. The only way I have found that seems to work which seems to give good consistant colours with the exported jpgs, is to do my post production with the monitor set at 6500k, then export the files to jpg, then to view the images and generally do normal computer stuff, switch the monitor back to sRGB, this seems to give good results and seems virtually identical to how I edited the files in lightroom. If necessary I could live with this but I just wondered if that sparked an idea with anyone as to why I cant just see the files the same in lightroom and exported jpg.When I go back to lightroom the images look washed out and I would never have processed them that way but by processing them at 6500k it produces roughly how I would want them to look as jpg.
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